A New Seed Company with a New Way of Doing Business

Red Wheat


Flipper is a white chaffed, awnless, high yielding, soft red winter wheat.

It is an early line with an excellent disease package and wide adaptability.

Flipper has good resistance to stripe rust and scab.

Flipper also has a great sprouting score and short straw – stands well.


2022 MSU Trail Data

Yield – 3 Year avg

97.5 bu/ac

Plant Height (3 Yr avg)


Lodging Score (0 – 9)



Non-bearded, high yielding, soft red winter wheat.

Wharf is a very short variety, medium season maturity, with excellent yield and good standability.

It had the highest two-year average in the 2022 MSU red wheat trials.


2022 MSU Trail Data

Yield – 3 Year avg

98.3 bu/ac

Plant Height (3 Yr avg)


Lodging %




2017 MSU Trail Data

Yield – 4 Year avg

97.1 bu/ac

Plant Height (3 Yr avg)


Lodging Score (0 – 9)



Sunburst is a non-bearded, high yielding, soft red winter wheat developed by an Ohio breeding program – Sunbeam Extract.

Good lodging resistance (think short straw) and is resistant to strip rust and wheat spindle streak mosaic virus.

In the 2017 Michigan State University Wheat Variety Trails, Sunburst has a 5 county average yield of 93.6 bu/ac.

Sunburst chaff and straw color is white.

Sunburst is widely adapted to Michigan soils and climate with an average maturing date.


2017 MSU Trail Data

Yield – 4 Year avg

96.8 bu/ac

Plant Height (3 Yr avg)


Lodging Score (0 – 9)




2021 MSU Trail Data

Yield – 3 Year avg

94.5 bu/ac

Plant Height (3 Yr avg)


Lodging Score (0 – 9)


White Wheat


Jupiter is a non-bearded, height yielding, soft white winter wheat developed by Michigan State University.

Jupiter is the second height yielding white wheat variety tested in the 2-16 MSU yield trails with a 5 county average of 119.9 bu/ac.

Good lodging resistance and is resistant to strip rust and wheat spindle streak mosaic virus.

Jupiter chaff and straw color is bronze.

Widely adapted to Michigan soils and climate with a late maturing date abut three days after AC Mountain.


2022 MSU Trail Data

Yield – 3 Year avg

94.8 bu/ac

Plant Height (3 Yr avg)


Lodging Score (0 – 9)



Whitetail is a new awnless white chaffed high yielding soft white winter wheat variety developed at Michigan State University.

Whitetail exhibits a stable and high level of performance, broad adaptation, and resistance/tolerance to many plant diseases.

Whitetail has lower DON levels that other commercially available soft white winter wheat varieties.

Whitetail will respond well to fungicide management to control stripe rust and spot pathogens.


2022 MSU Trail Data

Yield – 3 Year avg

93.5 bu/ac

Plant Height (3 Yr avg)


Lodging %


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